Review of the collective monograph "In Search of the Face of the City"

29 April 2022 року

An article devoted to the collective monograph "In Search of the Face of the City: Practices of Self-Representation of Ukrainian Cities in the Industrial and Post-Industrial Era" was published on the website "Gromada Group. Група місцевих ЗМІ Харківщини."

It should be noted that the collective monograph “In Search of the Face of the City: Practices of Self-Representation of Ukrainian Cities in the Industrial and Post-Industrial Era” (У пошуках обличчя міста: Практики саморепрезентації міст України в індустріальну та постіндустріальну добу. Заг. ред. В. Кравченка та С. Посохова. Харків: Видавництво Точка, 2021. 564 с.) was published as a result of the CityFace project. Central to this book is the study of practices of urban self-representation (the use of symbols and emblems, formation of a pantheon of local heroes, commemoration of “significant” events, and so forth). The authors are thus interested in sites of collective memory, commemorative and ritual practices, and operations of the symbolic coding and recoding of urban space. The authors of the book are 42 Ukrainian scholars from Donetsk / Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, Odessa, and Kharkiv. A characteristic feature of the book is the interdisciplinary approach. Most of the contributors are professional historians; but sociologists, culturologists, geographers, and philologists also took part in the project. The presentation of the book took place in February 2022.

Link to the review of the book:

Link to the book in the electronic library of the Institute of the History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: